Build Structure To Learn

Are you a notetaker? A map drawer? A block builder? Do you have a deep love for Vinn diagrams?

We mentally organize our ideas when we learn. This is building structure.

When we understand the underlying principles and rules to a process or system we build a structure to aid learning. 

Placing ideas into a structure helps move information to learners’ long term memory. That structure might be a diagram, a flow chart, or a mind map.

This ability to sort what matters from what doesn’t enables learners to deepen their understanding and application.

Skill Building Methods

Create mind maps and flowcharts.
Provide advance organizers (like an executive summary or abstract)
Present information in flow charts
Tell relevant stories
Use graphic organizers

References & Resources

Miro Mind Mapping App

Structure Building Differences Influence LearningFrom Educational Text: Effects on Encoding, Retention, & Metacognitive Control

Source: Make It Stick, by Peter Brown

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