Change Things To Learn

Boring is boring. 

Change gives our brains a break. (See Take a Break To Learn!)

You’ve most likely heard people mention learning styles and the importance of teaching to each person’s style. Sadly, this is a myth that gets in the way of great design, attention, and ultimately engagement and learning. 

Learners don’t need things altered to their “learning style” they need the learning environment to change.

📌We disengage when things don’t change. A shift in focus grabs our attention, kickstarting the attention-engagement-learn process. We can put variety into our activities and our overall course design. Learners will appreciate it.

Use a variety of methods to encourage learning. Change things up. Even consider the element of surprise!

Use different learning activities
Vary practice 
Add movement
Change work groups (keep them small)
Talk versus listen
Practice in differing ways

References & Resources

Source: Brain Rules by John Medina

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