Reflect To Learn

Stop for a moment. Think about what you’ve learned about learning.

Thinking back on your learning helps to deepen your learning. Reflecting requires us to pause. This space gives us time to recall details, connect details to our work needs, and create stronger neural pathways.

Learning doesn’t happen through listening. It doesn’t happen through just doing something . Learning happens through thoughtful reflection and retrieval. 

Reflection involves:

  • Retrieval (recalling what you’ve recently stored)
  • Connecting new knowledge to existing, and 
  • Generating (rephrasing key concepts). 
Answering key questions after a learning module
Writing answers to questions
Writing about what they recall
Discussing their learning with peers
Thinking about what they’ve covered. 
Journaling thoughts and experiences.

References & Resources

Retrieval Practice: Unleash the science of learning

Cindy Huggett’s Virtual Training Resources

Helpful Virtual Training Blog Posts

Managing Cameras In Virtual Training

Connect with Learners Before Class Begins

Lead Successful Breakout Rooms

Quick Stop-Start-Continue Activity

Source: Make It Stick, by Peter Brown

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