The Magic Of Ten Minutes When Training, Presenting, or Just Talking

The Magic Of Ten Minutes When Training, Presenting, or Just Talking

Photo by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash You are standing in front of the room ready to deliver what you know is the most boring class you could ever imagine. You know that within the first hour everyone is going to be asleep or checking their phones. There has to be a better way? Right. You know the class could use a redesign, but you've been directed to present this information in this way. What a nightmare. Don't despair. There is one simple thing you can do that might just keep your class awake and make the boring slightly less so. And the bonus -- it's free too! In the absence of creating a different class with less lecture and fewer bullet points, there is one simple thing you can do. Think in ten…
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How Much Prep Time Do Managers Need To Give Trainers?

How Much Prep Time Do Managers Need To Give Trainers?

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash Time. We've all got the same amount. We all have to manage it to accomplish all the goals on our ever growing lists. We tell new trainers and presenters to manage their nerves by preparing. We tell seasoned presenters to practice their opening statements. How much time you need to prepare and how much time you have to prepare don't always magically meet. We've got to either give up things to make time or give up time to prepare. Tough choice, isn't it? Managing our time is where things get tricky. Now let's imagine you are responsible for managing a team of trainers and their time! This question arrived in my inbox recently. How much time should I give my employees to prepare for delivering a training?…
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How Long Should Training Take? | Two Trainers, Two Styles

How Long Should Training Take? | Two Trainers, Two Styles

Photo by petradr on Unsplash I picked up my phone and was greeted by a monumentally long text. I thought a lengthy text was going to need a lengthy response. But, maybe not. We rotate who teaches each training class to eliminate core dependencies, but not everyone has the same training style. For example, Chris can be very engaging and likes to have personal, life examples for every scenario to show why records management is important. I prefer to give them examples they will see in the course of business and make sure they understand their tasks. The outcome is two different time frames for the same class, and it's a bit drastic in difference. Chris runs out of time in his block. I finish feeling satisfied in two hours. At first glance…
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