Welcome to class!
Thank you for a great class. I hope you gained something useful during our time together. I’ve added the Google slides we used yesterday during breakout groups and a few extra resources at the bottom.
Looking for something specific? Leave a note in the comment section and I’ll see what I can find for you!
Class welcome letter
(click on image to download)
Virtual Engagement Methods PDF
(click on image to download)
Learner Expectations & Instructions Breakout Group Exercise
Expectations & Instructions PDF
Expectations & Instructions Google Slides
Virtual Activities Breakout Group Exercise
Virtual Activities Google Slides
Resources & Reference
Cindy Hugget Virtual Training Resources
Thiagi Training Game Resources
BrightCarbon — tips and techniques for PowerPoint slides
Today felt like I now have the tools to succeed. My training role is very new, and my skill set has yet to be developed. After being thrown into the fire at work – facilitation wise – today’s class gave me a much needed extinguisher. I really look forward to using the tools and possibly look like I know what I’m doing.
Thank you for your kind comment. You can do this! I’m so glad I can be part of your success. Please stay in touch and share your successes (and your struggles, you know we all still have them…you saw that today!).
All the best!